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How Understanding Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel Can Enrich Your Life – Book Discussion (Online)
Sunday, November 17 @ 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
How Understanding Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel Can Enrich Your Life
Please join us for a 6-month book discussion on the book:*Stories of Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel by Harold Klemp
All Spiritual Seekers are welcome to attend.
Dates of Discussion on Zoom: Third Sundays at 7:00 – 8:15 pm
2024: June 16, July 21, August 18, September 15, November 17, December 15
How do we get answers to our heartfelt questions – answers that come not from faith or wishful thinking but from direct experience?
Past Lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel are all part of the teachings of Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom. These teachings are power-packed. They can open your spiritual eyes and ears to divine love. Yes, it does surround you every single minute. Learn to be aware of it. As you reflect upon these old, old teachings, you find them charged – full of life’s energy and love. These qualities can be yours too. Today.
*This book can be purchased at your favorite bookseller or at Eckankar.org.https://www.eckbooks.org/items/-94-0.html
The Zoom link for all 6 sessions is
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82925162113?pwd=YlJtUXRNUGxTQ1Q3aWRnYUtsNGUxUT09 Call-in Info: 312-626-6799, Meeting ID: 829 2516 2113, Passcode: 138245
For more information, please email Bhiggins.WSS@gmail.com